The Tipping Point: Cultural Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery
Cultural Acceptance of Cosmetic Surgery - Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Advice
Is there a tipping point where a request admitted by a
physician creates a sort of sociological contagion? Significantly the move by
one person who is the outliner or leading edge type "signals" an
acceptance or condoning to the many "sideliners" who've merely
thought and obsessed about a particular idea, but who lacked the impetus to
proceed. The resulting cascade of commitments merely surfaces the underlying
"market demand" supporting the trend in its infancy.
Overall market trends sub-divide along gender lines, and
sometimes for obvious reasons. Breast augmentation is 100%
female occupied category for cosmetic surgery. In buttock lift, 4% of
procedures are carried out on men. In eyelid surgery women take out 85%
of the procedures leaving 15% to the men. Facelift
procedures, at 91% usage by women, are clearly of
less aesthetic interest to men overall. Liposuction is also dominated by women,
who order 89% of total procedures. The men come
back to dominate 100% of hair transplant or male
pattern baldness operations. However, the men cannot lift a leg when compared
to the women's 99% domination of thigh lift
procedures. In nose reshaping, men utilize about 24%
of the procedures with women accounting for 76%.
The category of tummy tuck is also overwhelmingly dominated by women,
who account for 95% of procedures. In the top 13 categories
of aesthetic or cosmetic surgery women consistently dominate, with ranges
between 76% - 99%. Women control and define
the market.