Chemical Peel - Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Advice

Chemical Peel - Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Advice

Chemical Peeling: A New Dermal Strategy If you've ever overdone it on the beach and peeled afterward, you're halfway to understanding the principle behind cosmetic peeling. This procedure involves painting an acid solution on the skin and, depending how deep you want the peel to go, you can choose from a 30 percent or 70 percent strength glycolic acid peel.

The solution is left on for however long your skin can manage, then the doctor simply washes it away with water. For an even deeper peel, trichloric acid may be required. This is applied in a similar way, but is much more intense and requires a neutralizing gel for removal.

Essentially a chemical peel is a treatment procedure which involves the use of a chemical solution applied to treatment areas bearing fine lines. The solution interacts with the skin tissue, causing the tissue to separate at the upper tissue layers. The plastic surgeon can then "peel" off the upper tissue layer revealing an underlying tissue layer which is considerably less wrinkled and more evenly color toned.

100 Years Of Chemical Peel Historically, some form of chemical peel procedure has been in use for over 100 years. The chemical solutions have changed over time to be less volatile and corrosive however the concept remains true to its original premise. The premise then was to rejuvenate the skin and improve appearance. The focus remains the same in the 21st century as this treatment expands in consumer usage as a supplemental skin care tactic.

With the passage of time comes aging and the initially very fine lines associated with the facial anatomy. Lines, however, can evolve into furrows. Furrows combined with a loss of muscular tension and then mixed with an accumulation of fat can lead to a whole new look. which people can change through selective use of cosmetic surgery such as with a chemical peel.

Sags and bulges or sun damage and certainly heredity play critical roles in the formation of fine lines under the eyes and around the mouth. While noting the cast of usual suspects contributing to wrinkles and lines, it should be noted however that sags and bulges and deep lines require other cosmetic surgery procedures other than chemical peel, which is essentially a topical treatment strategy. Also, chemical peel cannot change pore size nor remove broken blood vessels, however may improve the appearance. Deep scars are also an area which chemical peel is unsuited to address.

How Will Your Surgeon Qualify You For Chemical Peel? The surgeon or dermatologist must provide a thorough evaluation in order to qualify the chemical peel for a client. How do you know if you're the right sort of candidate for a chemical peel? The surgeon will observe you closely. Do you fit the criteria of a healthy patient? Are you both emotionally and physically healthy? Are your descriptions of your self-image and concerns realistic and appropriate or are you vaguely delusional and hyper-reactive to any issues that are raised in the consultation? How well will you fare in the post-operative period?

Questions about family support generally reveal a consistent dichotomy: on one hand, patients receive and rely upon the love and care of both immediate and extended family members; on the other hand, these same family members are accepting by nature, and often times do not share the belief in the need for cosmetic surgery that the patient maintains, therefore they represent essentially a negative or faintly hostile set of people.

Surgeon Pricing Strategy Each procedure is discrete and is priced by the industry according to both market demand pressure as well as the underlying technical complexity of the procedure. A very popular procedure requiring relatively insignificant operating time may nevertheless be a high-margin procedure commanding higher pricing than a low demand technically complex procedure. Each plastic surgeon will make their own time-value calculation as to the final price for a given cosmetic surgery procedure. However, national averages do provide an estimate or guideline to expected out-of-pocket costs.

What Body Areas For Chemical Peel? The chemical peel is a topical rather than deep procedure, therefore can be performed on the legs, arms, hands, chest, neck and face with equal success or results to the client. Superficial or surface level lines down to medium depth are treatable via the chemical peel procedure. Chemical peel can certainly restore superficially damaged skin.
